NDesk.Options : NDesk.Options Namespace


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Option Class

Represents information about an option.

public abstract class Option

Thread Safety

All members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Subclasses must be thread-safe if multithreaded invocation of OptionSet.Parse(IEnumerable<string>) is required.


Instances of NDesk.Options.Option are created via the various OptionSet.Add overloads, such as:

You can also add custom NDesk.Options.Option subclasses to an NDesk.Options.OptionSet via the OptionSet.Add(Option) method.

Note to Inheritors
Inheritors of this type must override the abstract method Option.OnParseComplete(OptionContext), which is (indirectly) invoked from within OptionSet.Parse(string, OptionContext) when an option matching one of the prototype aliases is encountered.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,


See Also: Inherited members from object.

Protected Constructors

Creates and initializes a new instance of the NDesk.Options.Option class.
Creates and initializes a new instance of the NDesk.Options.Option class.

Public Properties

Description string . A string containing documentation for this option.
MaxValueCount int . A int containing the maximum number of values this NDesk.Options.Option accepts.
OptionValueType NDesk.Options.OptionValueType . An NDesk.Options.OptionValueType instance specifying whether this NDesk.Options.Option takes a value, and if so, whether it's required or optional.
Prototype string . The NDesk.Options.Option prototype, containing option name aliases and the option value requirements.

Public Methods

GetNames () : string[]
Retrieves all name aliases that make up Option.Prototype.
GetValueSeparators () : string[]
Retreives all value separators, strings which are used to split an argument into one or more values for the this NDesk.Options.Option.
Invoke (NDesk.Options.OptionContext)
Invokes Option.OnParseComplete(OptionContext) then clears out c.
ToString () : string
Returns Option.Prototype.

Protected Methods

OnParseComplete (NDesk.Options.OptionContext)
Perform an action when an option is parsed.
Parse<T> (string, NDesk.Options.OptionContext) : T
Converts the stringvalue into an object of type T.

Member Details

Option Constructor

Creates and initializes a new instance of the NDesk.Options.Option class.

protected Option (string prototype, string description)


A string containing a |-separated list of option names (aliases) and an optional value-type specifier.
A string containing documentation for the option.


Type Reason

prototype is the empty string "".


prototype contains an empty alias, such as a||b.


Conflicting NDesk.Options.OptionValueType values were found within prototype.


prototype only includes the default handler <> and prototype did not specify an NDesk.Options.OptionValueType value of OptionValueType.None.

ArgumentNullException prototype is null.


This constructor initializes the Option.Prototype property of the new instance using prototype, the Option.Description property of the new instance using description. and initializes the Option.MaxValueCount property of the new instance to 1.

This is equivalent to calling the Option(string, string, int) constructor as with Option(prototype, description, 1).


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

Option Constructor

Creates and initializes a new instance of the NDesk.Options.Option class.

protected Option (string prototype, string description, int maxValueCount)


A string containing a |-separated list of option names (aliases) and an optional value-type specifier.
A string containing documentation for the option.
A int containing the number of values this option accepts.


Type Reason

prototype is the empty string "".


prototype contains an empty alias, such as a||b.


Conflicting NDesk.Options.OptionValueType values were found within prototype.


maxValueCount is 0 and prototype specified an NDesk.Options.OptionValueType value of OptionValueType.Optional or OptionValueType.Required.


maxValueCount is greater than 1 and prototype specified an NDesk.Options.OptionValueType value of OptionValueType.None.


prototype contains a separator list and maxValueCount is 0 or 1.


prototype contains a badly formatted separator list, such as {{, }}, {{}, etc.


prototype only includes the default handler <> and prototype did not specify an NDesk.Options.OptionValueType value of OptionValueType.None.


prototype includes the default handler <>, and MaxValueCount is greater than 1.

ArgumentNullException prototype is null.


This constructor initializes the Option.Prototype property of the new instance using prototype, the Option.Description property of the new instance using description. and initializes the Option.MaxValueCount property of the new instance using maxValueCount.

prototype is a |-separated list of option names. It should be listed in shortest-to-longest order, e.g. h|help. prototype may contain a NDesk.Options.OptionValueType specifier following one of the |-separated entries, and a value separator list following the NDesk.Options.OptionValueType specifier.

The Option.OptionValueType property is initialized based on whether a = or : follows one of the aliases within prototype. = specifies a OptionValueType.Required value, while : specifies an OptionValueType.Optional value. If neither = nor : is not specified, then OptionValueType.None is used. The value specifier may be used anywhere within prototype, so n|name=, n=|name and n=|name= are equivalent, but you cannot mix types; n:|name= is invalid.

A default handler may be specified by using <> as the option name. The default handler is invoked for any unhandled argument within OptionSet.Parse(IEnumerable<string>); consequently, if a default handler is provided then OptionSet.Parse(IEnumerable<string>) will return an empty List<string>.

The default handler may either be provided as a stand-alone NDesk.Options.Option, in which case it may not specify a NDesk.Options.OptionValueType other than OptionValueType.None. Alternatively, it may be an alias, in which case the NDesk.Options.Option must accept an OptionValueType.Optional or OptionValueType.Required value, and maxValueCount must be 1.

Multiple values may be bundled together, such as -opt key=value. The value separator list specifies which characters can be used to split the value argument to generate separate values. The value separator list is available when maxValueCount is greater than 1, and and an NDesk.Options.OptionValueType was specified. The value separator list follows the = or : and is one of the following:

  • A sequence of character enclosed by { and }. Multiple such sequences may be specified by listing the {...} sequence multiple times.

    The sequence {} requires that each value be a different argument, and no argument splitting will be performed. This sequence has no effect if other separators are also listed (as separate arguments are always permitted for OptionValueType.Required values).

  • Any literal character other than { and }.

If the separator list is not provided, then =: is the default separator list.

For example, the prototype "A:+-*/" would permit any of `+', `-', `*', or `/' to be used to split an argument into values, so -A:5/2 would generate the sequence of values 5 and 2 for the option -A. Furthermore, the prototype "A={-->}{=>}" would permit either the string --> or the string => to be used, so -A A->B C woud parse A->B as one value and C as the other value, while -A A-->B C would parse A as one value and B as the other value while C would be unhandled (unless the option required 3 values, in which case C would be the 3rd value).


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

Description Property

A string containing documentation for this option.

public string Description { get; }

See Also



A string containing documentation for this option.


This property is used to generate documentation within OptionSet.WriteOptionDescriptions(System.IO.TextWriter). The string returned is translated via the localizer parameter provided to the OptionSet(Converter<string, string>) constructor before being written to the System.IO.TextWriter instance.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

GetNames Method

Retrieves all name aliases that make up Option.Prototype.

public string[] GetNames ()


A string array containing all name aliases for this NDesk.Options.Option instance.


The returned option names will not contain any NDesk.Options.OptionValueType specifier that may be within Option.Prototype. If Option.Prototype is a=|b=|c=, the array returned will contain a, b, and c.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

GetValueSeparators Method

Retreives all value separators, strings which are used to split an argument into one or more values for the this NDesk.Options.Option.

public string[] GetValueSeparators ()


A string array containing all strings that should be used when splitting an argument into one or more values for this NDesk.Options.Option.


Value separators may be provided within Option.Prototype only if:

See the Option(string, string, int) constructor for more information.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

Invoke Method

Invokes Option.OnParseComplete(OptionContext) then clears out c.

public void Invoke (OptionContext c)

See Also

OptionSet.Parse(string, OptionContext)


An NDesk.Options.OptionContext instance containing information about the option that was parsed.


This method is invoked from within OptionSet.Parse(string, OptionContext) when an option with a name from Option.GetNames is encountered and matches the required number of values governed by Option.OptionValueType and Option.MaxValueCount.


This method invokes Option.OnParseComplete(OptionContext), passing along c unchanged, and then sets the OptionContext.Option and OptionContext.OptionName properties to null, and OptionValueCollection.Clears out OptionContext.OptionValues.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

MaxValueCount Property

A int containing the maximum number of values this NDesk.Options.Option accepts.

public int MaxValueCount { get; }


A int containing the maximum number of values this NDesk.Options.Option accepts.


This is a maximum, and may not be the number of values present within OptionContext.OptionValues when Option.OnParseComplete(OptionContext) is invoked. There will be Option.MaxValueCount values if Option.OptionValueType is OptionValueType.Required, but if Option.OptionValueType is OptionValueType.Optional then OptionContext.OptionValues may contain fewer items.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

OnParseComplete Method

Perform an action when an option is parsed.

protected abstract void OnParseComplete (OptionContext c)

See Also



An NDesk.Options.OptionContext instance containing information about the option that was parsed.


This method must be overridden by all subclasses, within which the subclass can perform some custom per-option processing.

This method is invoked from within OptionSet.Parse(string, OptionContext) when an option with a name from Option.GetNames is encountered and matches the required number of values governed by Option.OptionValueType and Option.MaxValueCount.


The following example has a custom NDesk.Options.Option subclass which overrides Option.OnParseComplete(OptionContext):

C# Example
// Case-Insensitive and Concatenating OptionSet
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NDesk.Options;

class DemoOptionSet : OptionSet {
	protected override void InsertItem (int index, Option item)
		if (item.Prototype.ToLower () != item.Prototype)
			throw new ArgumentException ("prototypes must be lower-case!");
		base.InsertItem (index, item);

	protected override OptionContext CreateOptionContext ()
		return new OptionContext (this);

	protected override bool Parse (string option, OptionContext c)
		string f, n, s, v;
		bool haveParts = GetOptionParts (option, out f, out n, out s, out v);
		Option nextOption = null;
		string newOption  = option;

		if (haveParts) {
			string nl = n.ToLower ();
			nextOption = Contains (nl) ? this [nl] : null;
			newOption = f + n.ToLower () + (v != null ? s + v : "");

		if (c.Option != null) {
			// Prevent --a --b
			if (c.Option != null && haveParts) {
				if (nextOption == null) {
					// ignore
					throw new OptionException (
						string.Format ("Found option `{0}' as value for option `{1}'.",
							option, c.OptionName), c.OptionName);

			// have a option w/ required value; try to concat values.
			if (AppendValue (option, c)) {
				if (!option.EndsWith ("\\") && 
						c.Option.MaxValueCount == c.OptionValues.Count) {
					c.Option.Invoke (c);
				return true;
				base.Parse (newOption, c);

		if (!haveParts || v == null) {
			// Not an option; let base handle as a non-option argument.
			return base.Parse (newOption, c);

		if (nextOption.OptionValueType != OptionValueType.None && 
				v.EndsWith ("\\")) {
			c.Option = nextOption;
			c.OptionValues.Add (v);
			c.OptionName = f + n;
			return true;

		return base.Parse (newOption, c);

	private bool AppendValue (string value, OptionContext c)
		bool added = false;
		string[] seps = c.Option.GetValueSeparators ();
		foreach (var o in seps.Length != 0
				? value.Split (seps, StringSplitOptions.None)
				: new string[]{value}) {
			int idx = c.OptionValues.Count-1;
			if (idx == -1 || !c.OptionValues [idx].EndsWith ("\\")) {
				c.OptionValues.Add (o);
				added = true;
			else {
				c.OptionValues [idx] += value;
				added = true;
		return added;

class Demo {
	public static void Main (string[] args)
		List<string> names = new List<string> ();
		Dictionary<string,string> map = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
		int repeat = 1;

		OptionSet p = new DemoOptionSet () {
			{ "n|name=",    v => names.Add (v) },
			{ "r|repeat:",  (int v) => repeat = v },
			{ "m|map=",     (k,v) => map.Add (k, v) },

		List<string> extra;
		try {
			extra = p.Parse (args);
		catch (OptionException e) {
			Console.Write ("subclass: ");
			Console.WriteLine (e.Message);

		string message;
		if (extra.Count > 0) {
			message = string.Join (" ", extra.ToArray ());
		else {
			message = "Hello {0}!";

		foreach (string name in names) {
			for (int i = 0; i < repeat; ++i)
				Console.WriteLine (message, name);
		List<string> keys = new List<string>(map.Keys);
		keys.Sort ();
		foreach (string key in keys) {
			Console.WriteLine ("Key: {0}={1}", key, map [key]);

See NDesk.Options.OptionSet for more on this example.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

OptionValueType Property

An NDesk.Options.OptionValueType instance specifying whether this NDesk.Options.Option takes a value, and if so, whether it's required or optional.

public OptionValueType OptionValueType { get; }


An NDesk.Options.OptionValueType specifying whether a value is required for this value.


This is initialized based on the presence of = or : within Option.Prototype.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

Parse<T> Generic Method

Converts the stringvalue into an object of type T.

protected static T Parse<T> (string value, OptionContext c)

Type Parameters

The type to convert the string value to.


A string containing a representation of the type T that should be converted into an instance of type T.
A NDesk.Options.OptionContext containing additional contextual information needed error handling.


If value is null, then default(T) is returned. Otherwise, value is converted to a value of type T.


Type Reason
NDesk.Options.OptionException If value is not null and System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromString generated an exception while trying to convert value.


System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter is used to get the System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter associated with type T, and System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromString is used to convert value into a T.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

Prototype Property

The NDesk.Options.Option prototype, containing option name aliases and the option value requirements.

public string Prototype { get; }


A string containing the prototype of this NDesk.Options.Option instance.


The prototype contains a |-separated list of all option name aliases and a value specifier of = for required values and : for optional values; if neither = nor : is present, no value is taken.

If a value specifier is present, then a value separator list may also be present after the value specifier.


Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,

ToString Method

Returns Option.Prototype.

public override string ToString ()


A string containing Option.Prototype.



Namespace: NDesk.Options
Assembly: NDesk.Options (in NDesk.Options.dll)
Assembly Versions:,